Unfortunately, the nice folks at Smith Mountain Lake are not immune to disease any more than people anywhere. Arguably, one of the worst diseases or illnesses anyone could get would be one that affected their eyesight. I learned recently that …
Photography Deal For Businesses
Do you own a business at Smith Mountain Lake? Have you ever considered having a professional photo done of yourself and or your staff for advertising purposes or perhaps a company manual? If so Christi Austin Photography is offering you an …
Watercolor Artist at The Little Gallery
Each of us at Smith Mountain Lake has our taste in art. Some like modern abstract art with a vague and colorful design. Others like the classics like Monet and Van Gogh. Still, Life, Mosaics, Oil Paintings, and the list …
Smith Mountain Lake Chamber
The Smith Mountain Lake Chamber of Commerce is the place to go if you want to know all the fun, competitive, educational, and entertaining events and activities happening at the lake. Hundreds of businesses listed with them make it easy …
Annual Corporate Golf Cup
The Smith Mountain Lake 14th Annual Corporate Golf Cup will be held Monday, May 24th at the Waterfront Country Club. This game will be a great opportunity to make business connections and get your corporation in the limelight. The 18-hole …
Banana Recipes
Most people have occasional cravings for specific foods. Lately, I find myself craving bananas. I put them in ice cream, cut them up in my breakfast cereal, and think about banana bread constantly. Perhaps I lack potassium or some other …
7 Healthy Relationship Tips
Folks at Smith Mountain Lake are just like people everywhere in that they desire to have healthy relationships with their significant other. But like most things in life that matter, those relationships take hard work and lots of honest communication. …
Recycling At Smith Mountain Lake
Many of us who live at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia try to cut down on trash products going to the landfill by recycling. Everyone knows by now that the need for re-using our waste materials is becoming a more serious …
New SML Food Lion
New businesses are nothing unusual at Smith Mountain Lake. Great new stores are popping up everywhere. And generally, where there is a new business there is a Grand Opening or a Ribbon Cutting. Sometimes those affairs can be a bit …