The folks at Smith Mountain Lake are not alone in wishing they could sometimes get the Lord to do what they want Him to. Human nature everywhere desires its way. Fortunately for us, it does not work that way. We, …
Staying Safe/Self-Defense
Everyone at Smith Mountain Lake has seen a bully in action at some point in their life. It is a painful thing to see and yet no one can prevent such incidents from happening. Most women have had to be …
Are Eggs Really Bad For Your Cholesterol?
Most of us at Smith Mountain Lake have heard that eggs are bad for your health. Or at least that egg yolks are full of bad cholesterol. Some in my family have always maintained that this was not a proven …
Church Activities and Easter Programs
Spring at Smith Mountain Lake, Va. is truly a wonderful time of year. It is a time of hope and renewal, both in the physical world and in our hearts. The Creator was incredibly good to think up the concept of spring …
Franklin County Fun
Franklin County, Virginia is one of the counties bordering Smith Mountain Lake, Va. It is arguably one of the faster-growing counties in the state and home to many wonderful businesses and community endeavors. Here you will find listed just a …
The Benefits of Oregano
I know that many of our readers at Smith Mountain Lake like to know about natural remedies that work. I know I am always interested in avoiding chemicals and their side effects whenever possible. From what I have heard and …
Excellent Business Opportunities
There are many marvelous opportunities to learn and grow in the business world of Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. Below are two excellent ways to help your business improve and increase its visibility. Whether your business needs some creative ideas for …
Need Music Lessons?
With the many talented young people and adults in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia there is bound to be a need for professional help in honing those talents. The arena of music is one to which many people find themselves drawn …
A Different Perspective
The following story is one of the best analogies ever written regarding not judging a book by its cover. May all of our readers at Smith Mountain Lake be as inspired as we were by this short but meaningful little …
Adopt a Pet
Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia has its share of dogs and cats needing homes, like any area of the country. We have several Humane Societies located in the counties surrounding the lake that will help you choose just the right animal …