Every time you think you have seen the ultimate new toy on the water at Smith Mountain Lake, another makes its debut. Of course, that’s wonderful when you live on a lake and love to be in the water, which …
Customer Service Skills for Your Staff
If you own a business or provide customer service at one of our Smith Mountain Lake businesses, you will want to be aware of some upcoming training opportunities. In actuality, every business offers some kind of customer service, from simple sales to …
Creative Ideas at the Lake
Imagine you are out on Smith Mountain Lake with friends for the day and suddenly you realize you are out of sandwiches and things to drink. Or what if your business is in a slump and you need just the …
More Free Movies
Last week I let everyone know about the free movie night in Roanoke, but this week I found a similar event closer to Smith Mountain Lake. Hollywood in the Hills, a Free outdoor movie series will be offered by the city of …
Allergy Season Aids
For many at Smith Mountain Lake, allergy season is in full swing right now. Unfortunately, most allergy sufferers don’t realize that there are things besides over-the-counter and prescription drugs that have dramatically improved allergy symptoms in many people. If I …
The Voice of Wisdom
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God…and it will be given to you.” James 1:4 Human beings at Smith Mountain Lake and the world over need so much more than just intelligence, we need wisdom. Intelligence might …
Hurricanes Slow Coastal Growth
As one can imagine, inland lakes such as Smith Mountain Lake have become more popular areas for building homes and buying real estate in the wake of increased hurricanes and other dangerous weather near the coasts. According to USA Today, …
Can I Have a Dock? What About a Boathouse?
This is an important question for property owners at SML. There are some lakes that, for one reason or another, do not allow the wonderful types of docks that we enjoy here at Smith Mountain Lake. Some lakes have such …
Erosion and Rip Rap
You may have wondered how to control waterfront erosion on your Smith Mountain Lake real estate. The answer is rip-rap. The rocks placed along a shoreline to control erosion are referred to as rip-rap (not riff-raff!). Is a rip-rapped shoreline desirable? …
Vitamins: Which Ones Are Best?
Everyone knows that vitamins and minerals are essential for life. All human beings, whether from Smith Mountain Lake, Australia, or Timbucktoo, require these vital nutrients to sustain all body functions. Those tiny molecules can only be obtained through our diets …