Sunshine and warm weather, blue waters, and weekends at Smith Mountain Lake…….. make you feel like sailing off into uncharted waters sometimes. Well, at least it does me. This kind of balmy spring day makes me chafe at having to …
Story, Song and Sermon
Although this speaking engagement is to take place in Roanoke rather than at Smith Mountain Lake, it could very well turn out to be worth the drive. The speakers are both Christian and unusual to some degree; appreciated by many, avoided by …
The Corporate Cup
In 1997 the Smith Mountain Lake Chamber of Commerce began hosting the Corporate Cup Golf Tournament as one of their fundraisers. Its location alternates yearly between two private country clubs encouraging optimal challenge. Proceeds go to SMLCC for the operation …
Recognizing the ‘Poison’ Plants Part 3
While I have never seen poison sumac at Smith Mountain Lake, that certainly does not eliminate the possibility that it exists somewhere out there in the campgrounds and more heavily forested areas. The key to identifying it seems to be …
Smith Mountain Lake – Channels & Islands
The Channels One of the many wonderful features of Smith Mountain Lake is the numbered navigation channel marker system on both the main channels and the tributaries. The Roanoke Channel numbers start at R1 near the dam and extend west, …
Vacation Home Rentals
Many of us at Smith Mountain Lake have planned or are now planning our yearly vacation, so we can put in our requests for time off ahead of the rush. But have you considered staying around the lake this year …
A Heart Warming Tale
Smith Mountain Lake is an area full of goodwill and good people, and just like people everywhere, we enjoy hearing tales of those who have done exceptional things and inspired those they came in contact with. When I first read …
How is Smith Mountain Lake Waterfront Property Valued? – Key Factor #7
Property Value Factor #7: Lot Size We often get first inquiries from people asking for the typical price of property per acre here. While there are rare individuals who want more acreage, most buyers value the factors discussed above so …
How is Smith Mountain Lake Waterfront Property Valued? – Key Factor #6
Property Value Factor #6: Cove versus Main Channel This issue is not completely cut and dry because there are varying degrees of land in coves, on the main channel, and in between. Many first-timers here at the lake assume that …
D-Day Living History Weekend
There will be a Living History weekend this month in Bedford near Smith Mountain Lake. Living History events make moments in our nation’s history come alive through discussion and live demonstrations of the period. This particular Weekend will include talks …