Property Value Factor #5: Location This issue is way down the list here at Smith Mountain Lake because the location is already established. Everyone choosing to buy at Virginia’s Jewel of the Blue Ridge already has THE location, wherever they …
Recognizing the ‘Poison’ Plants Part 2
There are undoubtedly a wide variety of pretty plants along the Smith Mountain Lake shoreline. Some of those shiny green leaves could cause those who come in contact with them a massive amount of discomfort. Poison Oak is one such plant. …
Property Value at Smith Mountain Lake
Did you ever wonder why the appraiser valued your Smith Mountain Lake real estate at $700,000 and yet you couldn’t sell it for $599,000 after a year on the market? Or perhaps you have seen a piece of undeveloped land …
Recognizing the ‘Poison’ Plants Part 1
With all the lovely greenery beginning to bud around Smith Mountain Lake, don’t forget to be cautious about the ones that can cause allergic reactions or contact dermatitis. I don’t have to remind those of you who have encountered these …
How is Smith Mountain Lake Waterfront Property Valued? – Key Factor #4
The 4th “key factor” that defines the real estate market in Smith Mountain Lake, VA, is the quality of the homes.
Do The Foxtrot
Smith Mountain Lake is ripe with opportunities to participate in new and interesting activities. Learning Ballroom dance is one of those. Have you ever enjoyed watching one of those old movies where they held fancy balls and cotillions and such? …
Area Events
Anywhere in the springtime is joyous with all that life bursting at the seams, but Smith Mountain Lake is especially wonderful this time of year. Not only is the Creation at its peak of natural beauty but there are many …
Christian Academy Taking Applications
The Smith Mountain Lake Christian Academy is making good progress toward its plans to open in the fall. The community support has been tremendous. The interest of applicants for teaching positions as well as potential students has been overwhelmingly positive. …
Everything You Wanted To Know About Smith Mountain Lake Real Estate
Do you have your piece of Smith Mountain Lake Real Estate? Or perhaps you are considering a purchase of some beautiful lakefront property there. No matter whether you are a real estate agent, an SML property/homeowner, or a prospective buyer, …
How is Smith Mountain Lake Waterfront Property Valued? – Key Factor #3
Property Value Factor #3: Waterfront What does “waterfront” mean in this context? This is a catch-all phrase. This issue is often third on folks’ lists but is sometimes first or second. Factors may include: Length of Shoreline Though many buyers …