Purchasing a lot is certainly a big step in anyone’s life, and one that is likely to cause some hesitation from all but the most veteran real estate buyers. If you’re teetering on the edge of purchasing, here are five …
Cabins on the Lake
A cabin at the lake . . . just the words alone conjure up images of a peaceful weekend relaxing in the water or on the front porch. The good news is that there are several cabins available to rent …
Fishing Ethics
Do fishing and ethics go together? C.A. Johansen has made a convincing case that they do in a recent article on StripersOnline.Com titled “Fishing Ethics. Johansen lists several principles that he practices as an angler, including things like removing all …
Sport Fishing School
The striped bass fishing at Smith Mountain Lake is certainly one of the best in Virginia, as a quick count of the number of fishing boats out on any given morning will tell you, and there are probably very few …
Smith Mountain Arts Council
Most of us at Smith Mountain Lake have some sort of artistic streak, whether it be an occasional penchant for coaxing music out of a guitar or a weekend painting passion. Or perhaps you would prefer to enjoy watching or …
Homemade BBQ Sauce
Everyone knows Smith Mountain Lake residents love their grills and barbeque pits, and nothing spices up a juicy burger or sizzlin’ steak better than a zesty barbecue sauce – something with that perfect mix of spice, salt, and sweet to …
National D-Day Memorial
June 6, 1944…….few days in our nation’s history have been more significant or more costly than D-Day. It might also be said that no greater honor could be bestowed on a locale than to be chosen as the site of …
Camper’s Paradise
Are you looking for a different way to experience both the waters and the woods of Smith Mountain Lake this summer? What better way to combine the two than a lakeside camping trip? Whether you’re a tent camper or a …
Houseboating on the Lake
Travel Bloggers.com has ranked Smith Mountain Lake as one of the top ten houseboat lakes in North America! According to the article, the lakes chosen were those that “tend to be large enough for you to find a private cove, …
Flying at the Lake
At 20,600 acres or roughly 32 square miles, Smith Mountain Lake sprawls out over a large section of the map. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have a bird’s eye view of all that water, then …