The other evening, while winding up a busy day of commerce on Smith Mountain Lake, and with the sun making its’ final view, I decided to head for one of the Lake’s best restaurants for restoring the soul as well …
For Our Golfing Readers…
As we can see by the buds on the trees, the singing of the birds, and the warm, fresh breezes, Smith Mountain Lake is shaking off its wintery coat and donning the latest in summer attire. And with this shift …
Tips On Selling a Lake Home
So here it is, Springtime! And with it comes an increase in interest in the Smith Mountain Lake real estate market. As I was combing through the internet, I happen to stumble upon an article that may prove to be …
Striper Heaven!
What can thrill a fisherman to his very soul as much as having a Smith Mountain Lake striper on his line?! Warm weather is just around the corner and with it comes some of the best fishing in the east… …
More Great Real Estate Advice
Spring is definitely in the air! And with it comes the ever-increasing urge to complete your dream of having your own little piece of lakefront paradise here at Smith Mountain Lake, VA. To help you with your journey, I searched …
A Special Way to See the Lake
With an outstanding selection of limitless views, The Virginia Dare makes cruising Smith Mountain Lake one of life’s simplest and best pleasures. Since 1989, this traditional matriarch of the lake has been porting passengers to some truly outstanding good times …
More Dock Technologies: Plastics
Some time ago we posted about the latest news in dock technology, polymer-encased dock pilings. After reading further into all the information available it seems as though plastics are making a real ‘splash’ around the docks as well. In particular, …
Hickory Hill Is the Toast of Smith Mountain Lake
Dating back to the early 1980s, Roger and Judy Furrow were two Roanoke natives who put their passions of a life-long dream into reality by acquiring a simple half-acre of property at Smith Mountain Lake and began experimenting with wine …
Great Article From Lake Front living: Technology in Dock Pilings
For all those waterfront homeowners out there looking for the next generation in dock construction, repair, or maintenance, Lake Front Living has published an article on the latest dock pilings technology. An excerpt from the article states: Polymer-encased timber not …
Good Fishing Primer: Two Great Fishing Articles
A short but sweet article was written by Sam Anderson for The Walleye Hunter website. He goes into some details about getting ready for the up-and-coming warm weather fishing season and includes some good tips like the one quoted below: …