The Smith Mountain Lake Striper Club is having a Fishermen’s Flea Market/Swap Shop on Friday, Sept. 5th at 7:00 pm. at the Moneta Community Center.
There were over 200 people in attendance at the last one held in March, which was a huge success. Any fishing gear can be found at the flea market, along with some great steals and deals!!!! Spread the word to all your friends who love all things “fish”.
If you would like to send a product for a door prize or raffle, become a business member, etc. please contact Angie Behan, Smith Mountain Striper Club 540-400-0011 or 540-793-2420.
(Note to all you fisherfolk out there: There is a request out for Striped Bass heads of fish over 8 pounds to be taken to Va. Outdoorsmen to be picked up by Dan Wilson, the biologist from DGIF to study for the SML Fishery Management Plan.)