Test your knowledge of home inspection misinformation – it’s more common than you would think! These myths and rumors continue to persist, so let’s set the record straight with this great article from the PILLAR TO POST Newsletter.
1. A home will either pass or fail a home inspection. FALSE! A home inspection is an unbiased evaluation of the home’s condition. The inspector will note issues that should be addressed and explain them in the inspection report. The home is not graded or scored in any way.
2. Getting a pre-listing inspection is just asking for trouble. NOT AT ALL! A pre-listing inspection (or as we like to call it, a Market Ready Inspection) gives sellers the opportunity to make recommended repairs and prevents surprise condition issues from cropping up during the transaction. Homes with a Market Ready Inspection get to closing faster and sell for more!
3. Newly constructed homes don’t need an inspection – they usually have a builder’s warranty anyway. NOT SO FAST! It’s common for new homes to have problems come to light during the first year. An unbiased, professional home inspection enables owners to bring defects or faults to the builder’s attention while it’s under warranty, when problems will still be fixed at no cost.
4. The buyer doesn’t need to bother attending the home inspection – getting the report is enough. NOT REALLY! While the inspection report is the key component of a home inspection, accompanying the inspector is a great opportunity for buyers to ask questions along the way and learn first-hand about the home.
Thanks to PILLAR TO POST for this helpful information regarding Home Inspections! You can visit their website for many more helpful articles.