Moneta, VA 24121
MLS# 913485
3 beds | 2.1 baths | 1924 sqft

Property Description
WATERFRONT Cottage in The Boardwalk Cottages, these do not come along often! You have water views from every room of the house and amazing sunrise views year round! Walk to the water and the boardwalk which takes you to The Cottages marina where your boat slip is mere steps away and visible from your house or your covered porch! Soak in views of the main channel, the state park and The Boardwalk's signature red roofed waterfront gazebo. This cottage and the marina are located on a bay just off the main channel so wake is not an issue. All of your yard / landscaping maintenance and the dock maintenance is included and taken care of by The Cottages HOA. The Boardwalk neighborhood is one of the most sought after neighborhoods at Smith Mountain Lake offering stunning views, a pool, bocce
Room Name | Level | Level |
Primary Bedroom | Upper | Upper |
Bedroom 2 | Upper | Upper |
Bedroom 3 | Upper | Upper |
Dining Room | Entry | Entry |
Foyer | Entry | Entry |
Kitchen | Entry | Entry |
Laundry | Entry | Entry |
Living Room | Entry | Entry |
Last Updated: March - 07 - 2025
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