- 500+ miles
Main Channel:
- Approximately 40 miles
- 795 feet above sea level at the lake
Local Population:
- Approximately 20,000
Nearby Cities:
- Roanoke – Under one hour.
Area population approx. 290,000 - Lynchburg – Under one hour.
Area population approx. 240,000* - Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem
Approximately 1.5+ hours. - Blacksburg/Virginia Tech – 1.5 hours
- Charlottesville – 2 hours
- Raleigh-Durham/Chapel Hill – 2+ hours.
- Mild, enjoyable temperatures during the four distinct seasons. Summer temperatures average in the upper 70s. Water temperatures average 70 degrees from May to October. The average annual snowfall is less than 18 inches. A strange and distinct absence of a mosquito population. Smith Mountain Lake is near perfect!