Smith Mountain Lake is a popular place for folks who have retired to come and set up housekeeping. Sometimes when a person retires with health issues they need a little extra support and Smith Mountain Lake Retirement Village can offer that kind of care for those who find it necessary.
Smith Mountain Lake Retirement Village
Founded in 1992, Runk and Pratt are a family-owned and operated business with a combined occupancy of 160 residents between the three existing locations, providing an alternative retirement lifestyle for those unable to live independently. We offer 24-hour. supervised care, medication management, personal care services, security, meals, and social and recreational opportunities.
At Runk & Pratt, our residents are considered “family,” so we do more than just meet their needs. Our primary focus is to provide supervision and assistance while providing the resident freedom to choose and age with choice and dignity. Preserving each resident’s individuality is the key component in achieving and maintaining the best quality of life possible.
Our commitment to aging with choice enables us to adapt our services to meet the changing needs of our residents. We are looking forward to the addition of our new 80 residents and family members to our Smith Mountain Lake Retirement Community.
Westlake Rd.
Hardy, Virginia 24502
Attn: Brian Runk
ph: 434.237.7809