A close friend of ours who lives near Smith Mountain Lake went for a doctor’s appointment earlier this year and found out the worst. His cholesterol and blood sugar levels were so high that the doctors wanted to admit him to the hospital on the spot. They said the fact that he was alive at all was a miracle.
We all have stories about neighbors and relatives with these types of health problems. If they are not all quite as bad as my friend it may be because they are on prescription medications (a problem in itself for many) or perhaps they have made a radical lifestyle change.
That last is what happened to my friend. In only one month he went from dangerously unhealthy — to a new man with a future. How did he do it? With a program called C.H.I.P. or Coronary Health Improvement Project. C.H.I.P. can help with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, and more.
C.H.I.P is an affordable, 30-day lifestyle education program with thousands of graduates worldwide. It is sponsored by certified leadership from your community, (such as a local MD), and it has a strong support system for those who choose to use it.
If you or someone you love has a serious health condition, you might want to check out the C.H.I.P Program offered in the Roanoke Valley of Virginia. For program prices (very affordable) and registration call (540) 857-6993. You can also visit Robin.haldiman@chiprv.org
for more info.
Stop by Rocky Mount Natural Foods and receive friendly service and shop their small store which is loaded with healthy alternatives. They are a physician-led health service center located at 350 Tanyard Road (down near Pizza Hut and the Eagle Cinema, and across from the National Guard Armory).