Do You Want to Sell Your Smith Mountain Lake Property?

List Your SML Home with the Team who will Sell it Quickly!
Recently, I got a call from a lady who was a little distressed…
Her family had a home at Smith Mountain Lake, and they loved it! It seemed like a great investment – for years. But times and health changed, and they needed to sell their home. Unfortunately, she had a property that would be somewhat challenging to sell. For a number of reasons.
But, in just 90 days…Our Team of Smith Mountain Homes Realtors® found a buyer for her Property through our website!
She walked away with a tidy profit in less time than she ever dreamed. She sold her Smith Mountain Lake property for the highest price of any property of its type in 2016! In what others were calling a “stalled market”.
How were we able to do this? What’s our “secret sauce”? MATH.
Math? Yep, Math!
The Fact Is, We’ve Got More Buyers!
And you know, it’s funny. Other agents brag of having more listings. But here’s a dirty little secret most Realtors® of the world hope you’ll never find out: A mass of listings just shows how many unsold homes are in the agent’s inventory. Do you want to be the owner of yet another one of their unsold homes?
The best Listing Agent for your waterfront home is not the agent with the most listings… but the agent who can attract the most buyers.
By hiring a listing team that’s already a mass magnet for buyers, your home gets more exposure…and more offers…sooner. This means more money in your pocket and the chance to move on…while other sellers’ homes keep gathering dust.
Doesn’t that make sense?
If you want to sell your Smith Mountain Lake property, our Smith Mountain Homes Real Estate Team can showcase it before more buyers than anyone else on the lake.
Skeptical? Contact us to see how.
Learn How We Can Help You Sell Your SML Home Faster…Request A Free Consultation & Home Appraisal.
You Can Call Us: 1-877-SML-HOME (1-877-765-4663)
Or Email Us
PS: I wrote The Definitive Guide to Smith Mountain Lake Real Estate. Homebuyers purchase this popular guide through our website and a variety of retail outlets around the lake. Just one more way we attract buyers to our website… and to your home – if you list with us. Please click here to order one for yourself.
Though my book is most helpful for those looking at Smith Mountain Lake property for sale, sellers find useful information in it as well. You can turn to page 64 to find ways to improve your home’s resale value by up to $100,000 in some cases. And there’s a section on how to select the best listing agent if you are going to sell your home (see Section VII in the back).