SML Business As Usual…our business community is well and alive and ready to help you improve the quality and efficiency of your business. Below you will find information on several different events of importance to those owning a local business.
The SML Chamber of Commerce is hosting a new networking event called “Connect SML”. Come prepared to give a 60-second talk about your business and then spend some time getting to know your fellow attendees and networking about business opportunities. Connect SML offers a more structured setting in which to connect with other area business people. This event to be held on Sept. 14th at 8 am. in the SMLA Conference Room! For more information call Annette at 540-721-1203.
Taking Care of Personal Business is Important too. On Sept. 13th at Westlake Library at 4:30 pm. you can join in a workshop that covers some very important businesses such as: practicing retirement, 401k decisions, health care, budgeting, home equity solutions, Social Security, and more. Those that are age 45 and older will find this information especially beneficial and for those within 10 years of retirement, this is essential. Larry D. Campbell will be the presenter. Sandwiches, chips, and beverages will be provided. Call Annette at 540-721-1203.
The LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER has some great ideas on how to improve your sales this Fall…..and they will share them with you for FREE! Call or e-mail Dick Ephgrave to set up an appointment. 276-632-4462 or
Qnanza: We show businesses how to market themselves effectively online . . . . and IT’S FREE! That’s right, you can market your business for FREE on the Internet. Contact John Smith, Area Director 540-912-9055.